Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last day in Nanchang

Sorry it has been a day or so since I posted. I used to be so good organizing my time but throw a baby in the mix and I get way off! Yesterday we went to the orphanage. It was a long day!!! The trip took 2 hours each way and the roads were TERRIBLE. I can't even express how bad the roads were much less the way people drive here. I can't believe we don't see bad accidents at every turn. There seems to be no traffic rules except that the more aggressive driver gets to go their way. You might call it organized chaos! Pretty scary when you are holding a baby in your lap. I feel lucky that we got to go to the orphanage but it was sad to see where our girls lived and all the other children there waiting to be adopted. I know you guys want to see pictures so here are some from yesterday.

Emma Kate slept most of the way              Katie and Sylvie
Sylvie and Brian                     Sylvie and Steph

The lady holding Emma Kate is her nanny in the orphanage

The lady holding Sylvie is her nanny

After we were shown around the orphanage, they feed us lunch. It was very good.

The entrance to the orphanage

Emma Kate's finding spot was at the entrance of the orphanage

Sylvie's finding spot was at a senior citizen's home entrance

Fun in the hotel room

Today, we went to a porcelain shop. Nanchang is known for it's porcelain. We also visited a tea shop and tasted some different teas and we went to a local market.

Not sure what to expect in Guangzhou but in Beijing and here in Nanchang, there is so much traffic and constant honking. And the heat...have I mentioned how blazing hot it is here in China in the summer? For those of you who know me well, I just don't love the heat. Oh well, maybe it will feel cooler when I get back home. We are looking forward to changing cities but I think we are ready to come home and settle in.

My brother heads back home tomorrow via Hong Kong. We will miss him. He has really enjoyed holding the babies! Have a safe trip home Douglas!!!

I will try to post some more videos sometime soon. I am off to bed. We will have to eat breakfast, pack up and head to the airport by 12:30 tomorrow. I think the flight is about an hour and a half and should be a test to see how the girls do on the flight. It should be interesting. I am a little nervous about it. Wish us safe travels. Love to you all!!!


  1. You look so natural holding Kate. I know you're anxious to get home and just be a family. Have a safe trip. You all are in my thoughts. Jodi

  2. looks like it was a wonderful trip. almost time to come home... greg
