Monday, August 2, 2010

Headlines from last week!

Sleepless in Seattle, Final Flight Home on a Long Journey, Sleepless in Smyrna, Attempting to Change Day into Night and Night into Day, and Outsmarted by an 8 Month Old Baby

When we flew home from China, there seemed to be no easy way to get back to Atlanta. We flew from Beijing to Seattle and we wanted a direct flight from Seattle to Atlanta. We had 2 choices: emdure a 12 hour layover in Seattle or spend the night and fly to Atlanta the next morning. We choose option 2 because we thought we could relax and venture out to the Pike Place Market. Well, our light was about an hour arriving into Seattle and then we had to go through US Customs and Immigration. By the time we did that and said goodbye to Brian, Stephanie and Sylvie along with another couple with their little girl, it was really too late to do anything. Little did we know we would be up most of the night with a crying baby. That was a really long night! The final flight home went well and we arrived home safely. Once home, there was a welcome sign for Emma Kate with some balloons. So very sweet of our neighbors, Susan, Bob and Carol to do! Once inside, we had notes about all the different foods that were in our freezers and we had a meal for that night ready in the fridge. Thanks for friends and family; Susan, Sarah, Caroline and Anne.

Since being home on Sunday July 26th, noone in this house has had a good night's sleep. I never realized how difficult it is to care for a baby when you are so tired, you can't see straight. The hard part about this is that it is a critical bonding time for all of us. This is so important for Emma Kate to know that we are her parents and we will always be there for her. We have tried to adjust us all but especially Emma Kate to our time zone. China is 12 hours time difference from our time zone. It has slowly gotten better but I do mean slow. Calvin and I have been fine tuning Emma Kate's days regarding naps and activities trying to get her really tired so she will sleep through the night. Each day we think we have done the fine tuning ina way that will work. She has not slept through the night yet. The first few nights she had fitful sleeping and woke up every couple of hours. Now she is sleeping longer and will usually wake up between 2:30 to 4:00 and stay awake for a couple of hours and go back to sleep.

We have been out and about quite a few times hoping to get her used to the carseat. She does okay in it most times.

I hope to post some pictures of street scenes from China soon. Keep your eye out for that. Here is a picture of the decorations at our house when we arrived home and a picture of Emma Kate when she fell asleep in her highchair at the kitchen table.

Please keep praying for us regarding the sleep issues. We go to the pediatrician this week and hopefully will get some tips from her. I better try and get some sleep before morning comes; it was 4:30 am here when I started this post.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, sis! You're gonna do great. Time changes and zones are probably a big part of what you're going through. :) One book that I really loved and helped with baby sleeping was E.A.S.Y. It stands for Eat, Activity, Sleep, and You Time. What a great recipe. Worked well for us. You're in my prayers!
