Friday, August 27, 2010

This week at our house!

This week started off great with a shower for Emma Kate thrown by our wonderful neighbors, Ann, Jill and Peggy! What a wonderful event that was. We had so much good food, good company and lots of fun. I had 2 helpers handing me presents and helping me open gifts. Thanks Nia and Kit! Here are some pictures from the shower.

Dressed in a new outfit from Jaynie!

Please, no more photos until the shower starts!

In front of the beautifully decorated table of goodies!

Hamming it up for all the ladies to see.

Emma Kate with Ann, one of the hostesses.

Checking out the ladybug ride on toy... too cute!

Hanging out with the girls.

Ok, I confess, I registered for this so I could play with it too! So glad we got it. Thanks Loida!

Daddy came to help load up all the wonderful things we got.

Emma has also finally figured out how to balance while sitting up. This is great and she seems so proud of herself. She still falls over sometimes but she is really doing great with this. Here are some pictures of her working on sitting.

We are still so close to seeing Emma Kate crawl. Everyday I think that today will be the day but not yet. Her hair conitnues to grow. I can't wait to see her with a full head of hair.

Tomorrow the 28th will mark Emma Kate's 9th month in this world. We have been home from China for one month. Wow, that is hard to believe. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. The picture with Emma Kate and Daddy shows how much she loves him! Great photo of both of them.
