Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What's new this week in the life of Emma Kate!

Well, I have to say that Emma Kate is now sleeping through the night most nights. Thank goodness! She still does not always like to go down for her naps but nighttime is definitely easier. It is amazing how much better we can be as parents when we are not so sleep deprived.

Emma Kate is learning to wave. Actually it is more of a high five than a wave but she has learned to do it when someone speaks to her. She has also learned that she gets a lot of attention when she does it. She is so cute when she does her wave! Here are a couple of pictures of her doing her wave.

Posing with a handmade gift from Mimi

She can wave while posing on her side.

This is called "The double wave".

Emma Kate has not started crawling yet but she is so close. She loves to be on the floor playing with her toys and just doing lots of gross motor movement. I know she will start crawling very soon. Now, when she is on her knees, rocking back and forth, she will launch herself forward in order to get something she wants in front of her.

We have been out to eat in restaurants several times and Emma Kate does really well. She loves all the people and things to look at and she is very willing to eat different things. She enjoys eating chicken, turkey, hamburger meat, bread (just like her daddy), ice cream (just like her mommy) mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and grits to name a few. Baby foods she likes are sweet potatoes, corn, squash, applesauce, pears, peaches, yogurt, rice cereal and baby oatmeal. The only thing so far she does not seem to like were the baby food peas. She took a couple bits and then acted like she was gagging. We tried it several times and the same thing happened. Oh well, we will try them again in a month or so.

We are having a shower thrown for us on Sunday the 22nd. We are really excited about it and Emma Kate is trying to figure out what she will wear for the big event. Some of our wonderful neighbors are having it for us....thanks in advance Ann, Jill and Peggy!

We have lots of birthdays to celebrate this month. Happy Birthday to Connie (Calvin's sister), Jennifer Smith (Kathy's good friend), Calvin (first birthday as a daddy), Douglas (my brother), and Katie (my niece). Today is actually Douglas' (my brother) birthday so Happy Birthday to you, Douglas!!! Douglas and Erica also just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary! I can't beleive it has been 25 years. Congrats!

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